速報APP / 遊戲 / Jigsaw Puzzles with castle

Jigsaw Puzzles with castle





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Sokalska st.44, Chervonograd, Lviv region, Ukraine, 80100

Jigsaw Puzzles with castle(圖1)-速報App

By installing our free jigsaw puzzles game, you will get access to the following features:

Jigsaw Puzzles with castle(圖2)-速報App

piece together your favorite photos or any gallery images free of charge;

Jigsaw Puzzles with castle(圖3)-速報App

saving any image to the gallery;

Jigsaw Puzzles with castle(圖4)-速報App

function of zooming in/out, moving the field, and blocking the screen;

Jigsaw Puzzles with castle(圖5)-速報App

from 4 to 400 jigsaw puzzle pieces;

Jigsaw Puzzles with castle(圖6)-速報App

all incomplete games jigsaw puzzles are saved and remain available to you at any time;

Jigsaw Puzzles with castle(圖7)-速報App

turning on/off piece rotation for advanced players

no Internet connection required.